The MSCI Norway ETF fund, symbol ENOR, is an exchange traded fund (ETF) within the iShares family. There aren't any other funds that we track with a return profile that is extremely similar to ENOR.

Which iShares funds are most similar to ENOR?

Similarity Symbol Fund Family Fund Name Compare
Somewhat Similar IDEV iShares Core MSCI International Developed Markets ETF
Somewhat Similar IEUR iShares Core MSCI Europe ETF
Somewhat Similar ESGD iShares ESG Aware MSCI EAFE ETF
Somewhat Similar IDV iShares International Select Dividend ETF
Somewhat Similar IEFA iShares Core MSCI EAFE ETF

Which Non-iShares funds are most similar to ENOR?

Similarity Symbol Fund Family Fund Name Compare
Somewhat Similar BBIN JPMorgan BetaBuilders International Equity ETF
Somewhat Similar VYMI Vanguard International High Dividend Yield ETF
Somewhat Similar VIHAX Vanguard Mutual Funds International High Dividend Yield Index Fund Admiral Shares
Somewhat Similar FZILX Fidelity ZERO International Index Fund
Somewhat Similar FFSFX Fidelity Freedom 2065 Fund

Which iShares funds are negatively correlated to ENOR?

Correlation Symbol Fund Family Fund Name Compare
-36.9% IBTE iShares iBonds Dec 2024 Term Treasury ETF
-35.9% IBTJ iShares iBonds Dec 2029 Term Treasury ETF
-32.7% GOVT iShares U.S. Treasury Bond ETF
-32.5% TLT iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF
-30.6% IEF iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF
-30.3% TLH iShares 10-20 Year Treasury Bond ETF
-29.9% IBTF iShares iBonds Dec 2025 Term Treasury ETF
-29.1% IBTD iShares iBonds Dec 2023 Term Treasury ETF
-27.7% IEI iShares 3-7 Year Treasury Bond ETF
-26.5% IBTI iShares iBonds Dec 2028 Term Treasury ETF

Which Non-iShares funds are negatively correlated to ENOR?

Correlation Symbol Fund Family Fund Name Compare
-83.7% EFZ PowerShares Short MSCI EAFE
-83.4% EPV PowerShares UltraShort FTSE Europe
-80.3% EFU PowerShares UltraShort MSCI EAFE
-76.0% DOG PowerShares Short Dow30
-75.6% MYY PowerShares Short MidCap400
-75.0% SH PowerShares Short S&P500
-74.6% DXD PowerShares UltraShort Dow30
-74.1% MZZ PowerShares UltraShort MidCap400
-74.0% SDS PowerShares UltraShort S&P500
-73.9% SEF PowerShares Short Financials

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